Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Does anyone know of any natural/holistic remedies for suppressing cramps?
I'm dyin' here.


Friday, June 25, 2010

summer's up and slimming down.

So, the first week of summer is upon us, and it has been put to it's full potential.
Starting with a garden full of berries, veggies and herbs, that will be ready to fully enjoy in a few days time :)

I went on my first boat ride of the summer. Even as a (nearly) 24 year old, when my dad makes me man the wheel of the boat, I feel like a 5 year old sitting on my parent's lap helping them pull the car into the driveway. And, although terrified (as I don't like driving- land OR sea), it's a moment between a father and daughter that I can't put into words, and one that I wouldn't trade for anything. His hobby, his moment of peace, his get-away, and he's sharing it with me. Just a dad, his little girl, and the open waters.

The Great South Bay (photo courtesy of whimsical foodie)

With the first week of summer, came my first dip in the pool, a round of indoor-s'mores, and the ultimate realization that I need to kick my *self* (not my first word of choice) into gear. Since the closing of "Fiddler On the Roof", thanks to some very gracious and wonderful cook cast mates, hoarding the dressing rooms with delicious snacks weekly, I come to find that I have gained a very uncomfortable 10 pounds. (a gain that might not seem much to most people, but it has definitely crossed my "I-never-want-to-weigh-this-much-again" line. Before the summer is through, I hope to have made it back down, and then some, and hopefully back into dancing shape, or whatever dancing my 2 left feet are able to muster. Tomorrow morning I'm making a long past due appointment with my Wii Fit personal trainer, running to my local Weight Watchers' meeting, hitting my favorite bike trail, and smiling through it all. ..That's the plan, anyway.

Tomorrow's challenge: My little cousin's High School Graduation party. Where there will no doubtingly be some great BBQ followed by some even greater desserts.. May my 100 calorie packs and WW IPhone app be my guide.

peace, love and (unwanted) pounds

{this moment}

Friday, June 18, 2010

{this moment}

"A Friday ritual. A {single photo} - {no words} - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember." - soulemama

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

losing my voice..

My friend Miss Monster just recently posted about The Secret. A theory I very firmly believe in.
And as if I needed definitive proof of just how strong this Law of Attraction rules our every day life... Well this weekend sealed the deal:
This past weekend, I was under a terrible amount of stress, I had 10 shows to put under my belt in 4 days. Exhausting! And my mind took hold of that tired energy and ran. I had lost my voice.
Not only had I lost my literal voice, but with that, I had lost my voice to the world. I was no longer sending my positive words and thoughts out into the universe, but instead was filled with exhaustion, frustration, conversations that could not be had and shows I wasn't sure I could pull through. Well, let it be known that those thoughts were all the universe needed to incorporate into my physical life. This weekend was filled with sore throats, gained weight, disconnected friendships, loss, and closings.

A lost voice, indeed.

I sit here this morning with my strengthening chords, a cup of soothing tea, and a beautiful sunny day off, writing these negative words for the last time. Take THAT universe.

So, here's what I've got today..
..let's see if something can transpire.

Today's going to be a good day.

Friday, June 11, 2010

{this moment}

"A Friday ritual. A {single photo} - {no words} - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember." - soulemama

Monday, June 7, 2010

added to my amazon wishlist ;o)

photography by nico

i think there's a bright future for this 3 year old.. :o)

Friday, June 4, 2010

{this moment}

"A Friday ritual. A {single photo} - {no words} - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember." - soulemama


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

23 going on 5..

Happy June! And what better way to capture the summer spirit than hanging out with the babies!!

Quotes of the day:

Christian: What's this called?
Callie: A unicorn.
Christian: Hahaha oh look, him has a piece of corn on his head!

on the walk back from the bus stop..
Nico: (on piggy back) Oohhh this is taking a long time.
Me: Do you want to walk?
Nico: No
Me: Then don't complain.
Nico: OK ::sigh:: this is not taking a long time.

face painting!



and a couple a monkeys!

You can learn a lot from a kid's honest, naive and lively nature, but i have to say, my favorite part of a kid's spirit, is that no matter how many or how severe the boo boo is, it can be easily remedied with the right dosage of kisses. (wipe forehead with relief) and you don't even need a prescription! ..It's kid magic at its best!

On a side note, I was encouraged (encouraged is the word I use to make it seem like I had a choice in the matter) by Callie girl and her friend to join a site called At this site you can create, adopt and care for your very own virtual monster. (it's almost like the 2010 equivalent of a Tamagotchi.. remember when THOSE were considered high tech?). You can also add and play games with friends and, according to Callie, we can write to each other everyday. So in case you, or the little monsters you love decide to sign you up, friend me... I'll be the only 23 year old on there. ;o)

peace, love and popsicles