Sunday, June 12, 2011

"Ah, music. A magic beyond all we do here!"
–Albus Dumbledore

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

the story of Tonks..

If your from Long Island, then you'll know that we've been having very VERY erratic weather.. long bouts of rain accompanied by one (just one) beautiful day, followed by 2-3 disgusting hot/muggy ones.

Well, this story begins about 2 weeks ago, during one of those dreaded rainy weeks..

Once upon a time, on an island known as Long, there lived a girl named Cara, and a goose named Tonks.
Strangers, neither one knowing that fate would soon bring them together..

Ok, ok... so maybe i don't have the creativity or mental capacity to keep up with this tale, but the real story is a simple and sweet one, and in the end, they do live happily ever after!

About 2 weeks ago, there had been some high tides (we live on the water) and the streets would flood. I guess a baby goose got confused by this, lost his bearings, and was separated from his family. We found him cowering in my neighbors yard, and my family, being the nature lovers that we are, set off to save the day..

We took him home so he could calm down and warm up.

When we finally got him to eat, the little bugger wouldn't stop. He chowed down until his tummy was full of cheerio mush, and there was (what looked like) a big smile on his face. ..I'm not kidding. Look at the picture, tell me i'm wrong!

When he seemed to have had his fill, i wrapped him up in a towel and put him in my lap so he could rest. The poor baby must have been so lonely, he climbed right up to my neck and snuggled in for a nice long nap.

In the morning, while leaving for work, we spotted Tonks' family in the street. We took Tonks outside, and he couldn't have ran waddled to them faster. I may have teared up a little bit. He was back with mommy, daddy and siblings.

And they lived happily ever after.

The End.

buy the book


I think these will be my next adventure in the kitchen.

Even if you don't want to try and undertake these complicated little confections, I think it's worth getting this book just to marvel (and druel) at all the incredibly cute photographs of these adorable treats.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The restoration.

I dont know if i had ever mentioned, but i recently found out that i had my great grandmothers Singer sewing machine (circa 1937) collecting dust in my parents garage. So naturally, being the pack rat antique-er that i am.. i decided to claim it as my own and got to work restoring it.

It's going to be a very long, and already proving to be a very frustrating process.


Step 1: polish wood.
Step 2: Sand and de-rust frame.


I know it doesn't look like much, but it took me all day. The next few steps will be to get some laminate to replace the warped pieces. Do a little more sanding to the frame, then repaint it to the original colors (gold and black) since it seems my great grandfather the handyman decided to paint it the colors of the italian flag. Even after that, it's got a LOT more TLC to go through (ie: tracing and ordering missing parts), staining and polishing laminates, etc... but i cannot WAIT to have this thing done and looking beautiful in my place.

a little advice from me to you..
..when you are de-rusting/sanding metal... wear rubber gloves. Your nails will thank you. Mine, however will be wearing dark "non summery" polish until my rust colored nails decide they want to grow out, break, or just come clean when i want them to!
Dear "As seen on TV",

You were right. The Yoshi Blade is, indeed, very sharp.

Cara's index finger.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I learned how to change a flat tire.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Thank you, mom...

...for allowing me to abuse you for 25 years ;o)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

"A little kingdom I possess, where thoughts and feelings dwell;
And very hard the task I find of governing it well."
-Louisa May Alcott
Dear self,

It does not do to dwell. Move on and up.

Love, me.

music and magic

The other day, one of the kids I look after showed me this music video:

So naturally, I showed him this one:

I forgot how happy this video makes me. Inspired, even.

...We also bonded over his newly acquired 'Monster Book of Monsters' and our shared obsession love of Harry Potter. As he told me all about the exhibition, and I squealed with jealousy.
It was a nice couple of hours to spend while his little sister was off at ballet (as she usually demands most of my time, and he's usually contented curling up with a good book.)

This was a moment I cherished.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

i want to do so many things.

and i will.

starting with a cup of coffee :o)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

the help

This makes me VERY excited.
movie poster from

I read this book in about 3 days. I recommend it to everyone, always. I now crave fried chicken and caramel cake daily. And the trailer for the movie looks awesome!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The power of words

Do you ever feel that some words are thrown around too frequently that you start to think that people might not fully understand the power behind them? Phrases such as "I love you" or "literally", "I hate..", etc.

"I promise" is one such example that really gets me. I have made it a personal goal of mine to try and limit my use of the phrase "I promise". I feel like it's used too often and taken too lightly.
I've just simply been witness to too many broken promises, and they all hurt.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sorry for the fog

I can't help but feel that all this lousy New York weather is my fault. As it seems symptomatic of my mood of late.

I suppose it's time to get my act together. If not for me, then for all of my friends trying to enjoy a nice Spring!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A hero garauntee, or your money back.

I  blame Disney for my unrealistic expectations of men.

But, on the other hand.. At least I know, when I find him, he'll know his way around a dragon or two. ;o)

Monday, April 11, 2011

my ssb (secret single behavior)

Last week, in the midst of face painting and baking burning sugar cookies (but that's a whole 'nother upset in itself), the kids I babysit for asked me when I was going to get married. When my answer  to them was that I "didn't know when that would be"... they spiraled into a whole set of questions (every other being either 'why' or 'why not?'). Basically, what it came down to, is that they strongly implore that I get married soon before the eldest is too old to be a flower girl and i'm just simply, too old..

.. i went home and cried.

I was almost dumbfounded by the initial question. How do you tell 3 kids (no older than 9 years old) that you were recently heart broken and you feel as if every thing you knew, or dreamed for your life has been shattered into pieces, and that you don't know when or how you'll be able to manage to put the pieces back together again? My answer was as such: This question hurts my feelings. Now what do you want for dinner? I made them macaroni and cheese.

*sigh*  these are the things..
I'm currently seeking help.


 by: Laurie Necco

Her art work is absolutely charming and lovely.
To see more of her stuff, check out her blog.

love you, lau!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


made of pipe cleaner, paper, two very creative kids,
.... and a babysitter who knows how to make pipe cleaner people.
All in all, a well spent rainy day :o)

sleepy lady

Lu Lu's make over..

Lu Lu is my poor, poor wig head who has, frankly, seen much better days.
I "acquired" (acquired means I did not steal........) Lu Lu from one of the (ohhh so many) productions of "Seussical" I did- back in 2004. She's been my confidant ever since; carrying many a Halloween or show wig, modeling for pictures of my latest knitting venture, and carefully wearing the hats I deem too delicate to throw into the overly large pile of hats I've come to own (it's a bit of a problem, really).
Since she's been helping me for the last 7ish years, i figured it was about time to show a little TLC in kind.

So, I learned the basic techniques of decoupaging, and, thanks to my grandmother who went through a major decoupage phase back in the 90's (so long ago, right? i know) I was hooked up with all the necessary equiptment and treated Lu Lu to some well deserved cosmetic surgery.



Voila! She looks about 10 years younger and about 95% less creepy.

and she's been booking work like crazy:

Sunday, March 20, 2011