Sunday, June 12, 2011

"Ah, music. A magic beyond all we do here!"
–Albus Dumbledore

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

the story of Tonks..

If your from Long Island, then you'll know that we've been having very VERY erratic weather.. long bouts of rain accompanied by one (just one) beautiful day, followed by 2-3 disgusting hot/muggy ones.

Well, this story begins about 2 weeks ago, during one of those dreaded rainy weeks..

Once upon a time, on an island known as Long, there lived a girl named Cara, and a goose named Tonks.
Strangers, neither one knowing that fate would soon bring them together..

Ok, ok... so maybe i don't have the creativity or mental capacity to keep up with this tale, but the real story is a simple and sweet one, and in the end, they do live happily ever after!

About 2 weeks ago, there had been some high tides (we live on the water) and the streets would flood. I guess a baby goose got confused by this, lost his bearings, and was separated from his family. We found him cowering in my neighbors yard, and my family, being the nature lovers that we are, set off to save the day..

We took him home so he could calm down and warm up.

When we finally got him to eat, the little bugger wouldn't stop. He chowed down until his tummy was full of cheerio mush, and there was (what looked like) a big smile on his face. ..I'm not kidding. Look at the picture, tell me i'm wrong!

When he seemed to have had his fill, i wrapped him up in a towel and put him in my lap so he could rest. The poor baby must have been so lonely, he climbed right up to my neck and snuggled in for a nice long nap.

In the morning, while leaving for work, we spotted Tonks' family in the street. We took Tonks outside, and he couldn't have ran waddled to them faster. I may have teared up a little bit. He was back with mommy, daddy and siblings.

And they lived happily ever after.

The End.

buy the book


I think these will be my next adventure in the kitchen.

Even if you don't want to try and undertake these complicated little confections, I think it's worth getting this book just to marvel (and druel) at all the incredibly cute photographs of these adorable treats.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The restoration.

I dont know if i had ever mentioned, but i recently found out that i had my great grandmothers Singer sewing machine (circa 1937) collecting dust in my parents garage. So naturally, being the pack rat antique-er that i am.. i decided to claim it as my own and got to work restoring it.

It's going to be a very long, and already proving to be a very frustrating process.


Step 1: polish wood.
Step 2: Sand and de-rust frame.


I know it doesn't look like much, but it took me all day. The next few steps will be to get some laminate to replace the warped pieces. Do a little more sanding to the frame, then repaint it to the original colors (gold and black) since it seems my great grandfather the handyman decided to paint it the colors of the italian flag. Even after that, it's got a LOT more TLC to go through (ie: tracing and ordering missing parts), staining and polishing laminates, etc... but i cannot WAIT to have this thing done and looking beautiful in my place.

a little advice from me to you..
..when you are de-rusting/sanding metal... wear rubber gloves. Your nails will thank you. Mine, however will be wearing dark "non summery" polish until my rust colored nails decide they want to grow out, break, or just come clean when i want them to!
Dear "As seen on TV",

You were right. The Yoshi Blade is, indeed, very sharp.

Cara's index finger.